Friday, November 16, 2007

Colorado Bizzaro

So yesterday morning I woke up with frost on my windows. Today I woke up to 65 degree weather. I love it. It's like Florida but so much sweeter. The one thing I do miss from NJ is the awesome storms, esp. watching at the bay/beach.

I started reading a book I know I'm going to love. It's called Special Topics In Calamity Physics, (yeah its not about physics clearrrllly. It's a story about a girl about my age, who went to Harvard so far, and includes "wild wayward youths" and a "captivating story". Sort of Mona Lisa Smileish for the 2000's. I'm excited. It's a NY Times Bestseller too. And a book club book, hahahaha.

Saturday is Christmas sweater party with Molly and Kelly. I have the sweetest sweater equiped with glittery presents and stockings and I couldn't forget mom jeans that come up to my chest.

Last night I went to a strength training class with weights taught by a different teacher and he was awesome. I think the balance of weight lifting/cardio/yoga is a balanced workout.

Oh and I love Yogi Tea forever...

that's it for my random happenings.

Song of the day- Feel Flow - Beach Boys

Thanksgiving is going to be not really Thanksgiving this year:-(

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