So my first week back has been pretty busy despite the fact that I am not working. I've had 2 interviews, one for a film company the other for the IT department for the county. I also also applied where Molly works Cafe' Vino, which seems like a fun place. It so annoying because they both said they'd let me know in the next week soooo... I can't apply for jobs while I am waiting to here from others. It's a Catch-22 - I think the number in the phrase "Catch 22" is fitting for most 22 year olds. You have to get a job but have little experience, and you need experience to get the job. UGH. The IT job seems ok, maybe a little blah de blah but pays well (and is one the road I live on) the film company is 50 minutes away and seems like my ideal place of employment (media, events, editing, promos, shoots, etc.. etc...) I feel I made a good impression with both but who friggin' knows.
I started interning at 99.9 The Point today and I think I am going to like it there. It's very laid-back, and I cannot wait to start going to events etc... Today I labeled CDs and logged them hahaha, I didn't even mind because I got to listen to the music of the station during it. My supervisor is also really chill, she'd definitaly be someone I could hang out with.
Besides that work stuff, life is good. We went up to Horsetooth 2 days ago and had a photo shoot and monday I walked through this prairie and saw 100 prairie dogs! It was so cool and a beautiful walk (see above). I got a metal NOSTY basket put on my cruiser so I can bring things with me (such as books, snacks, wallets, beers ya know...) Molly and I went food shopping Sunday and got so much healthy food so I've been eating really well so far. I wanna start logging what I eat on here everyday to remember, but it always slips my mind to. I am actually on Molly's MAC book right now and my computer always freaks out when I try to load pics on it. ugh. I made spaghetti squash last night with turkey meatballs and marinara and it was SO GOOD! I am becoming quite the chef.
We want to goto New Belgium tonight for the brew tour but Molly may not get back till 4:30. I've been to the gym twice (EEK) since I've been back so I'll be going today. (I missed yoga soooo much). I went to a class yesterday and there was a very cute guy there. When my warrior pose faced his way I always stared at him.... Oh Fort Collins guys, I've missed you dearly....
That's basically the gist of my life. AND we got our gas bill today (183 dollars) our landlord knows he needs to insulate our windows because thats out of control. And our guy roommate who left and is in Iraq did not contribute anything to it. Bills are so pleasant aren't they?
OK well I'm relaxing for a bit then gym. Tonight I'm making something with edamame and noodles I think, yum...
Dana's visiting in a month, I hope definitaly!
Song of the day - Snow - RHCP (good lyrics, and I am cold, haha)
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